Search Engine Optimization

Get more leads with Wet Coast Marketing

Search Engine Optimization Vancouver

Wet Coast Marketing offers a full range of digital marketing services. Our SEO company assists businesses in making more money through performance data and market research. To empower our clients, we create science-based SEO strategies.

Search engine optimization involves getting your website listed on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You rank your site on search engines, but SEO is the result of making your website valuable to visitors, who could become customers.

At Wet Coast Marketing we specialize in a holistic digital marketing approach, and we’re not successful unless our clients are. In order to keep our clients’ website rankings high, we implement digital marketing strategies that will keep them on the first page of Google.

To create strategies that are effective and have long-term benefits, we combine our on-site optimization techniques with off-site marketing techniques. In addition to keyword research, content editing, and website audits, we can determine which online spaces your customers frequent most often. Boost both your company’s online and offline reputation with our variety of services. Approximately 90% of consumers who search the internet for products and services will click on the website links on the first page of a search engine result.

Get maximum ROI

Take your business to the next level with our SEO services. 99% of our clients are satisfied, and 97% of our clients are retained. Additionally, we offer the following services to maximize your investment:

Google Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising through Google can give you a clear picture of how many people are interested in your services and products.

Local SEO Marketing

We will make your company especially appealing to local customers. You’ll increase your customer base if your business is seen as both qualified and convenient.

Organic SEO Marketing

We’ll emphasize the quality products you offer when promoting your company online. As a result, you can attract clients from all over the world.


SEO Auditing

As part of the audit, the SEO auditor will evaluate the website against a checklist and make recommendations for improvements.



On average, analytic solutions returned $13.01 for every dollar invested.
— Nucleus Research



A website that is emotionally focused converts three to four times better than one that is not.
— André Morys, Conversion Expert



Compared to their competitors, companies measuring web and marketing performance have improved their profits by 126%.
—  McKinsey



Revenue growth is 50% higher for organizations that use available web and marketing data.
— Dell Global Technology Index

Ready to stand out?

drop us a line and lets strategize.

Stand out with Wet Coast Marketing